When the Soldier's Away, the Blogger Will Be Silent?
For the military wife bloggers out there, or anyone whose husband is frequently gone on business trips, do you blog when the soldier is away from home? Do you feel you have enough anonymity or are you not concerned about any safety issues? Does it matter if he is away for a shorter or longer time? (I'm assuming male spouses don't worry about this...but maybe I'm wrong.)
When DH was active duty, I always felt uncomfortable blogging about his absence while he was on field exercises...yet, I blogged about his deployment while he was gone.
It does not make a ton of sense, but I think part of it was the fact that there was no way to avoid the issue of his deployment on a Military Spouse blog and another part was, living in Killeen, it wouldn't be that hard for someone to figure out whose spouse was gone anyway. So, blogging about the deployment, on an anonymous blog, didn't seem to add significantly to the safety risk.
Since then, I've started a number of other online projects that are connected with my real name. And people who know me in real life have discovered this blog (and that's a whole 'nother can of worms).
DH has left Active Duty, but is still in the National Guard.
Suddenly, when he leaves, I feel exposed.
This time, I feel comfortable blogging about his absense because I'll have family visiting. He's headed off to Captain's Career Course in preparation for taking command this summer. But generally, if he will be gone overnight, I just don't say anything.
How about you? What are your thoughts and comfort level on this topic?
Labels: Army Spouse, Army Wife, Captain Dad, Deployment, Military Blogs, Military Life, Military Spouse, Military Wife, National Guard, Training
well.. it's like I thought!
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