An Army Wife's Life

Once upon a time I was a college student, then I was a teacher, and now I'm a mother. Technically, I'm currently a freelance writer... but really I am an ARMY WIFE. Expect to find... funny (at least to me) anecdotes, thoughts about la vida military, hopes, anxieties, dreams, commentaries on current events.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Shakespeare, Mosquitos, and Service

Today began with tutoring (it is my last week!). I got to work with two young ladies on Julius Caesar. I was a theater major, so that was tons of fun. It made me sad that I didn't have a whole semester (or at least a couple of weeks) to get them into Shakespeare.

Then I went searching for a battery-powered mosquito zapper for DH--he says the bugs are eating him alive. No luck, so I am looking online now. I've found a few but I am open to other suggestions...any recommendations?

After that, I sent off a care package to DH and went grocery shopping.

Tonight I had the end of the year dinner for a women's service organization...and I got the Active of the Year award (basically we have three categories of membership: provisional, like a pledge year; active, when you are most involved; and sustainer, like going alumna).

This award goes to "an active member who exemplifies the league's mission through her words and actions and clearly went above and beyond the call of duty on many occasions during the year."

This year I was the Community Outreach person--planning monthly hands-on volunteer opportunities (Habitat, Ronald McDonald House, Angel Trees, Healthy Snacking Booth, etc.) for the membership.

I was surprised and honored, but mostly pleased that this reflects a growing emphasis on hands-on service for our organization!



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