An Army Wife's Life

Once upon a time I was a college student, then I was a teacher, and now I'm a mother. Technically, I'm currently a freelance writer... but really I am an ARMY WIFE. Expect to find... funny (at least to me) anecdotes, thoughts about la vida military, hopes, anxieties, dreams, commentaries on current events.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lilah Pictures

Some pictures from right before the operation:

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In the hospital DH keeping Lilah comfy:

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In her hospital gown on her third month birthday (three days after the operation):

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And a couple of days after we got home, the (now) obligatory monthly monkey shot (thanks for the awesome idea):

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

We're Home!

Thank you so much for praying with me and thinking of Lilah!

Lilah did very well in her recovery from surgery. The docs said she recovered fast because she went in big and strong. She even gained a little weight in the hospital. She's of course a little cranky at times but she is also smiling and giggling and chatting and generally being happy at longer and longer intervals during the day.

I'll post some pics and more information as soon as I have a chance and try to get back to blogging about the homecoming.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Lilah's Surgery

Super quick post to let you know that Lilah is out of surgery--she is in the PICU and still on all her tubes but things are looking good. Please continue to keep Lilah in your prayers...she should be in the PICU for approximately the next 48 hours.

She will need a second surgery at some point but hopefully she will be much older and it will hopefully not be open heart at that point.

Thank you all for your prayers and kind words!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006


As I wrote on SpouseBUZZ, DH came home a little early to be here for Lilah's surgery. He is with us now, but a big piece of him is still in Iraq.

This blog is not over (there is still so much more to chat about--redeployment, daily life, etc.) but do not expect any updates for a couple of weeks.

Lilah is having her surgery on Nov. 6. Please pray with us.

I hope to be back on in late November.

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