Military Spouse Guest Blogging
Because my husband is no longer active duty, I do not have enough fun military spouse stories to fill-up this blog any longer.
Rather than just turn it over to the spammers, though, I am opening it up to the community.
Why Guest Blog?
Here are a few reasons you might want to Guest Blog on An Army Wife's Life:
- You don't have a blog but you want to share something with blog readers.
- You want to share something anonymously. Maybe you have a blog, or don't, but you really have something to say and you don't want it connected with your name and/or your online profile. I'll be happy to accept anonymous postings.
- You have a new blog and you want a link from an established, high page rank blog. In your guest post, you can link to whatever pages in your blog you like with whatever anchor text you like.
Who Can Guest Blog?
All military spouses are welcome. I do not care whether you are male, female, young, old, a blogger or not, Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Active Duty, National Guard, Reserves, etc. In fact, military personnel are also welcome if they have something to say about issues specifically relating to the spouse experience.
What to Guest Blog?
I'm very open to ideas. I do have just a few guidelines.
- It should relate in some way to the military spouse experience. That's really the big one. Your guest post can be a personal, literary, informational. Write a narrative, a short story, a description of your emotional state, a how to guide, or whatever is on your mind. It can be prose or poetry. You can include a photo if you like. Just send me what you have, and if it is interesting, I'll find a way to fit it in.
- It has to be YOUR WORK. Don't send me forwards and claim they are yours.
- If you are a blogger, please make sure the material is original. I ask that you do not re-publish the same exact piece on your own blog just so neither of us get tagged as spammers. You can revise, excerpt it, or revisit the idea on your site and you retain all rights to your material.
- If you are a blogger and intend to link to your site, I request a link back to this post so others will know about the opportunity. You may also link to your post if you like. If you are not a blogger or wish to remain anonymous, this does not apply.
- Do not confess to felonies you are about to or have committed (if you've been convicted and served your time...that's a different story). I am neither priest nor lawyer and I will turn you in.
- Try to keep it PG-13. Sometimes a little graphic language may contribute to the story, but avoid gratuitous sex, violence, profanity. I will check with you if I would like you to change something and will only publish it if we both agree on any changes--I will not publish anything without your permission.
- Proofread and spell-check. You don't have to use perfect grammar or create a polished piece, but take the time to run a spell-checker.
Write up a post and e-mail it to mollypitcher at gmail dot com. In